Crayon Resist
Week Four: All Classes
Crayon Resist
I really enjoy doing crayon resists with kids because they love the magic of the wax pushing the paint away. It’s taking the thrill of dying Easter eggs to a higher level. We began each class by talking about how to draw a spider web. Using different color crayons (pink, white or black) we began by making a big cross on the watercolor paper. We added an X right on top of the cross and then filled in the area between the lines with smiles on the top part of the web and frowns on the bottom. The groups had different watercolor to use, the light color crayons used black, purples and blues. The black crayons used yellow and red and mixed the colors on the watercolor paper to make different yellows, reds and oranges. Spiders were added either by drawing them in crayon as part of the resist, or they were made with cardstock adding big eyes and fuzzy noses. EEK!!!!
Things to remember:
Spider webs are easy. A cross, an X then just add smiles and frowns.
For best results while doing crayon resist…you have to press REALLY hard on the crayon.