Private Art Classes
for Children
in a Group Setting
Children ages 4-14 years old
Children ages 4-14 years old
Art is Important!
As kids manipulate a crayon, marker or paintbrush, their fine motor skills improve. By counting pieces and recognizing shapes, they learn the basics of math. When children experiment with materials, they are dabbling in science. Most importantly, when kids feel good because they are being creative, art helps boost self-confidence. And children who feel able to experiment and make mistakes feel free to invent new ways of thinking which extends far beyond art class.
While the finished product is always something to be proud of...there are also wonderful things that come from being involved in art. The friendships that are established, the support from peers, the acceptance of constructive criticism, and the freedom and willingness to challenge themselves to create something that truly comes from their imagination makes their art...priceless!
Art is important!